Sunday, December 10th, 2023
Hello Low Brass Friends!
2023 is the 50th NYC TUBACHRISTMAS event, and in honor of that milestone many tuba players from all across the country will be in attendance. To help get Maryland Tubists and Tuba-esque players (and their horns and/or family members) to NYC , we have established the MD to NYC Tu-BUS..
The bus will have 2 pickups, the first in Westminster, MD, departing at 6:30AM for everyone in Central, North and Western MD, and the 2nd pickup at the White Marsh Park and Ride at approximately 7:30AM. We hope to arrive in NYC at Rockefeller Center around 11:00AM which allows for time to register/check in for the NYC
Update 10/22: We will be making an additional pickup-dropoff at the Delaware House Travel Plaza, in Newark DE (This will be just pick-up/drop-off only - not a rest stop!)
The NYC organizers are asking that cases be left on the bus, and as our bus will not remain onsite, please plan accordingly. We’ve scheduled time at the NYC pickup and drop-off points to permit un/packing.
Performance time is 3:00pm and will last approximately an hour. We will need to meet the bus and load up at 5:30pm, departing NYC around 5:50pm.
We will make a quick dinner stop at one of New Jersey’s finest roadside rest areas for about 45 minutes to allow time to grab some grub, as well as a bathroom break.
Estimated arrival back at White Marsh is 10:00PM, and back to Westminster around 11:15. (All times depending on traffic of course).
Instrument Transport
This will be on a 55 passenger motor coach, with cargo compartments underneath. Since we expect the passenger area to be mostly full, most horns will need to go underneath. Given the size of our chosen instruments, that means that we will probably limit the number of horns to something less than seating capacity. This is kind of a dynamic exercise based on sign-ups, so we encourage you to sign up early if you’re bringing along that Jumbo Conn Sousa in it’s original case. It also means that you will need to plan accordingly to ensure that your brass (or fiberglass) baby is sufficiently protected in a suitable case. We’ll have some bins and moving blankets available to help separate and pad things, but you are ultimately responsible for any damage that happens. If for some reason you have a huge flight case you’re planning to use, please let us know so we can account for that.
Smaller, uncased (naked!) instruments (lookin’ at you, baritones) are welcome to be stashed in the overhead racks inside the passenger area, but we will not know for sure what will fit there until we actually step foot on the bus. If it won’t fit overhead, you may have to hold it on your lap for 4 hours each way.
If you really feel that you need a seat for your horn, that’s OK, but like the airlines you’ll need to pay for a seat for it..
Feel free to bring a small cooler - something that can fit under your seat or in the overhead) with personal refreshments for the day. We will have Coffee and Donuts on-board as well to get the day started. Since we’re leaving the driving to someone else, adults (and being low brass players we use that term lightly) are welcome to bring adult beverages to enjoy responsibly. (Please have a ride home if you choose to imbibe on the trip south).
Regarding adults (and kids) - TUBACHRISTMAS events are always welcoming of players and friends of all ages. Kids are absolutely welcome on the bus, as long as they are accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult. All riders are responsible for managing their instrument, getting around NYC in the Rockefeller Center area, registering, performing, and making it back to the bus in time to depart for home. We don’t know exactly where we will be dropping off and picking up - likely near Radio City Music Hall, but specifics are TBD. There will surely be a short walk to get to check-in, and after the performance back to the bus. If you think you might need help navigating that, bring a friend to help. Even if you’re able-bodied, having a pal who can watch your horn while you run in for a coffee or slice isn’t a bad idea.
We’re not doing this to turn a profit, just to have fun and help bring as many Tuba friends to NYC as possible for the event. Prices are set based on estimates of interest and expenses.
Rider + Horn in Cargo (below or above…for the horn that is): $100
Rider only (no horn): $75
Rider + Seat for Horn (Or if you just want two seats to yourself): $170
**This means that horn must actually fit in the seat next to you - aisle must be kept clear**
Note: these prices do NOT include TUBACHRISTMAS registration or materials - that will be paid directly on-site to the NYC organizers.. If you need music beforehand though, let us know - we probably have some for sale!
Be on time - we don’t want to be late to the event, and buses in NYC have a maximum standing time at the pick-up point. If you’re late, you’ll need to find your own way.
Be respectful! You’re going to be on a bus with about 50 new friends for 6-8 hours that day.
Be careful with instruments - we don’t want anyone to have their horn damaged, or cause anyone else’s to be. Come prepared to stow your axe in a bus luggage compartment - if that means packing an extra moving blanket, or other padding, plan for it.
NYC and Bus travel is generally safe, but things happen. The organizers take no responsibility for anything that might happen before/during/after the trip.
Have fun! Tubachristmas is the happiest time of the year. Come ready to enjoy the trip, perform for a huge crowd, and generally make a day of it.
Deposits are non-refundable- sorry, we’re not building profit into this endeavor to cover empty seats.
A 50% non-refundable deposit* is due when you sign-up to reserve your seat. If we do not have enough seats filled by October 31st, we will cancel and refund all deposits.
Remaining balance is due by no later than November 17th.
How to Sign up:
Step 1: Complete the Registration Form:
Step 2: We will invoice you for the deposit (via Square). If you with to be invoiced for the entire amount, please let us know in the Notes to Organizers field! If you wish to pay via some other method (Cash, Cheque), please note that in the Notes field too. If you wish to be invoiced together for multiple seats in a group, please let us know on the form. The Invoice will be coming from Travis and Kim Dixon (the organizers)
Step 3: Balance will be due no later than November 17th. Details on paying the balance will be sent with the invoice for the deposit.
Seats will be filled on a first-come/first-served basis. In the event that demand exceeds supply we will have a waitlist, and if there’s enough demand will consider hiring a 2nd bus.
*In the event that we do not receive enough registrations by October 31st, all deposits will be refunded. If we can fill your seat from the waitlist, we will refund your deposit.